PENAMA Province

The Province is comprised of three islands: Pentecost, Ambae and Maewo. Pentecost is the world famous home of the land diving festival known locally as nagol, which takes place on Saturdays April through June, when the necessary local materials are in season.

Ambae plays host to the live volcano Mt. Monaro Voui, which displaced many communities from the island when it erupted in 2017. Maewo, which is one of Vanuatu's most remote large islands, offers unique cultural festivals, a massive waterfall and challenging hikes to secluded villages.

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PENAMA Provincial Tourism Office

The PENAMA Provincial Tourism Office is located in provincial headquarters of Saratamata, Ambae. To reach our office, please call 33401. Address correspondence to:

Penama Tourism Office
C/o of P.O. Box 08
Saratamata, East Ambae,
Penama Province


PENAMA Provincial Staff



Position Name Contact
Manager William Smith Mala
Lesly Mera

Department of Tourism
PMB 9099
George Pompidou Road Port Vila
Phone: (678) 33 400
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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